The Story behind the Creation of the Eames Bird

The Eames Bird has become a household name in the world of design, but not many people know the story of its creation. The bird was originally designed as a decorative piece for the Eames House, which was built by the legendary husband-and-wife duo Ray and Charles Eames in 1949. The house was a beautiful example of mid-century modern architecture, and it served as an experimental playground for the couple’s creative ideas.

The Eames Bird was born out of a trip that Ray and Charles took to the Appalachian Mountains in 1951. They were looking for inspiration for a new project when they came across a wooden bird carving that captured their hearts. They bought the bird and brought it back to their studio in California, where they set out to create a modern version of it.

The Design Elements of the Eames Bird

The Eames Bird is a beautiful example of the couple’s design philosophy, which was focused on innovation, functionality, and simplicity. The bird is made out of molded plywood, which was a new and revolutionary material at the time. The bird’s shape is minimalistic and playful, with clean lines that reflect the mid-century modern aesthetic.

One of the most interesting design elements of the Eames Bird is its legs, which are made out of a single metal wire that is bent into shape. This was a unique and groundbreaking approach to design, as it allowed the couple to create a delicate and lightweight base that perfectly balances the weight of the bird’s body.

The Legacy of the Eames Bird

Over the years, the Eames Bird has become an iconic symbol of design brilliance and playfulness. It has been featured in countless exhibitions, museums, and design publications, and it has become a must-have item for collectors and design enthusiasts around the world.

The Eames Bird has also served as an inspiration to countless designers, who have been awed by its beauty and simplicity. Its legacy lives on in countless modern designs, which have borrowed elements from the bird’s groundbreaking design approach.


The Eames Bird is a rare example of a design masterpiece that embodies both form and function. It is a testament to the creativity and ingenuity of Ray and Charles Eames, who were able to create a simple and playful design that captures the essence of mid-century modern design. The Eames Bird will always be remembered as a symbol of design brilliance and innovation.

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